Marvel displays the Hulkbuster arm, Ultron Mark 1, and a broken Captain America shield at San Diego Comic-Con!

Marvel has some amazing props on display at San Diego Comic-Con for those in attendance and the props that they showed fans are jaw dropping. The first prop that was displayed was Tony Stark's Hulkbuster arm which of course is a part of his Hulkbuster armor that is created to combat the Hulk. The second photo shows off the Ultron Mark 1 design that is created from the Ultron AI (artificial intelligence). It appears that Stark will create the Ultron AI but the AI creates the first physical body for itself. Lastly, and most impressively, is Captain America's shield which as you can see has been cracked into three pieces. Before everyone gets upset about the shield being broken it has been done in the comics and can be read about here. But you should also remember that in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) the shield is only made from vibranium, not the adamantium-vibranium alloy it is in the comics.

If you missed it you can watch the full Avengers panel here and read the trailer description here.
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