New Doctor Who Season 8 teaser trailer teases the return of a fan favorite character! [video]

A new teaser trailer has just been released for Doctor Who and it is a very interesting one! We get to see Peter Capaldi as the Doctor at the TARDIS console and hear a rather interesting voice doing a voice over. I'll let you watch the trailer first but read on under the trailer for my personal thoughts!

It is interesting that we see The TARDIS console sparking and catching fire again and this time we see the Doctor getting electrocuted at the console. Many are taking a guess that the voice that we hear is Davros which is a great guess and most likely the answer. (But there is also something about the last few lines that sound like Dalek Caan which would be super cool to me.) We never saw either of them die so it is completely plausible that they managed to escape the Dalek Crucible in the Season 4 finale "Journey's End" and are still out there. What do you think? Could this be Davros? And what does he have in store for the Doctor?

Source: YouTube - Doctor Who
